Hello, pupils of 45 and 47!

This is your blog for English.

Every week, you will have exercises and homework.

You send your homework via instagram @locke_english.

You can also ask me questions, or just start a chat!

Week 3 (Tuesday 31st March to Monday 6th April 2020)

Week 2 (Wednesday 25th March to Tuesday 31st March 2020)

Hello girls and boys,

I hope everyone is fine and safe at home. You are possibly feeling a little frustrated to be unable to go outside and see your friends. Stay cool!

This week, your first mission is to tell me how you feel about being in confinement because of the coronavirus covid-19.

Is confinement difficult for you? What do you do every day? How do you feel about the pandemic? Do you miss school?

This week, you have a choice.

You can choose 

to write a 150 word essay (text)
send me a video of 45-60 seconds
send me an audio of 1 minute with the script

Your second mission is to revise comparatives and learn about American fastfood  Click here  . Make sure you click on all the links to do the exercises. Then I want you to use the adjectives at the bottom of the page to write 10 sentences comparing the different French fries of USA fastfood restaurants.

Date limit for your homework: 31 st March

Speak to you soon on instagram!

Best wishes,

Mrs Locke

Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas la consigne:
1) me donner votre ressenti sur le confinement (utilisez le vocabulaire proposé par mes questions) sous forme de texte de 150 mots, ou d'une vidéo ou d'un texte plus court plus audio
2) Utiliser le tableau en bas de la page , après avoir révisé le comparatif à l'aide des exercices, pour comparer les frites des différents fast food américains avec le vocabulaire donné. Il faut 10 phrases, écrites. (;

Week 1 Wednesday 18th March to Tuesday 24th March 2020

It's time for some quick revisions, so click on these links and do the activities

1.Write a description of a person of your choice, alive or dead. Give  physical details and elements of their personality. 
2. Add a story of  one moment of their life.

(1)Mahatma Ghandi was a short skinny man, who was extremely humble. He always wore a white sheet and sandals. He was a lawyer and a vegetarian. He fought for the independence of India. He was a pacifist and he proned non-violent resistance. He was deeply respected.

(2) One day, in 1893, when he was a young lawyer in South Africa, he had a problem on a train. He was in first class, but because he was coloured, the train inspector told him to go in third class. He refused and he was thrown off the train! It was his first experience of racial discrimination!

Send your text to  instagram @locke_english
and you can copy it in the comments below too! (with your name)


Read your text and send me your voice recording! @locke_english
(make sure you accentuate the important words!)

That's it for week 1!




Descriptions: Watch this video! Can you note all the adjectives?

The Future

What do you WANT TO do?

Les deux présents

Healthy eating campaign

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