Thursday, 12 January 2012

How often do you brush your teeth?

Frequency adverbs

Read and understand these frequency adverbs:
100% - Always
80% - Frequently
60% - Usually / Often
50% - Sometimes
40% - Occasionally
20% - Seldom / Rarely
0% - Never

They usually come before the verb in a sentence: 

"I sometimes forget to brush my teeth."
"I don't often go to the cinema."

Exception : they come after 'be'  (am, is, are) :

"She is always late for class."
"I am never hungry at breakfast!"

Place the adverbs correctly in this exercise! 

and this one!
More exercises here !

An interesting survey on Twitter

And try the quiz!
This one is for champions!

The expressions

"once", "twice", "three times"... 

"every day", "every week", "every month", ...

can also be used for describing your routine.

Sue has a piano lesson on Mondays.

She has a lesson once a week.

I brush my teeth twice a day

once in the morning, and once at night.

How often do you shop? Listen to six people talking about their shopping habits.

Personality quiz online : Are you a technology freak?
Are you dependent on technology? Do the personality quiz to find out!

Now answer the questions.

Read the example:
ex: How often do you make your bed? 

I make my bed once a week.

1. How often do you take a shower?
2. How often do you eat with your family?
3. How often do you learn your lessons?
4. How often do you come on this blog?

Write your answers in the comments below. 

Remember to write your name!


  1. Ok, me first.
    1. I take a shower once a day.
    2. I eat with my family twice a day.
    3. I sometimes learn my lessons.
    4. I very often come on this blog.

    Your turn!

    Select "Comment as Anonymous" to post your comment.

    1. hello !the quiz of personality quiz online is veryyyyy veryyy goodd!!!
      i like it !!!!

  2. The exercise or it needs to mark the good sentence is very easy and very well!

  3. the exercise or it's necessary to mark the adverb is very very well and easy !!!!!
    It's very good!!!!!!

  4. hello mrs locke !
    i like a vidéo and a little quizz of shopping.
    Is easy and very well

  5. The questions :
    1. I take a shower every day in the everning
    2. I eat with my family every day in the everning.
    3. I learn my lessons when I have it to learn.
    4. I glance every day .
    This questions are very easy !!
    And this page is easy and very well
    i like english espacially when it's with you!!!

    1. and it's good to be a teacher, especially with you!

    2. Your first two answers are very good. Answer 3 should be "I learn my lessons when I have to. and 4. I have a look every day. (Good for you!)

  6. 1.I take shower once a day.
    2.I eat whit my family at night but often.
    3.I learn my lessons sometimes.
    4.I cast a glance when to go, but i like this blog!
    And me too I want be a good teacher (in english of course) not that Yasmine!

    1. You will be a great teacher, I'm sure! See you on Tuesday!

    2. Check your answers again. Are the adverbs before the verb?

  7. and I hast that you put a new page on the blog!because it's fascinating and very good!!:))
    and I hast see you on tuesday!!!by:)

    1. Hi! I'm very happy to see you on the blog, but please stop using Google traduction because I don't understand hast for example!

  8. hello, yes but there are some words I don't know that's why I use google traduction .
    For the word "hast" I wanted to say I look forward.
    Byeee kiss

  9. I look forward is much better! I think maybe your word was haste? C U tomorrow!

  10. ok votre conversation l est cool mai voila koi yasmine is very "habladora" deacouerdos!!!!!!!!! mdr

    1. I love to chat in English. Yasmine is a cyber chatterbox and I think it's great! See you tomorrow! You know, I don't speak Spanish! lol


Write to Mrs Locke here! (anonymous users)